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Real Guitar Live #24 | “Key Change” Workshop

This month we do a deep-dive into why and how to change the key of a song on the guitar.

Questions Answered:

[24:19] Song is too high. How do I lower the key?

[24:26] How can I tell which is the correct key for the singer? 

[24:33] What is the slash mean… such as C/E. How do I apply this to a Uke? 

[29:15] Many people want to record themselves. A simple recording can be a good tool to help people progress. Could you put together a basic list of what folks need to record? 

[35:41] How do I know what key I’m in when I use a capo?

[37:30] I understand intervals for descending strings. eg. e a d g...  min 2nd maj. 3rd perfect 4th etc . But how do visualize ascending string intervals? 

[42:08] How do I know what fingerpicking pattern to apply to a song? 

How to Change the Key of a Song

Members of Real Guitar Success can access a complete lesson on Changing Keys. Go here (log in first).

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